Russian Economy 

 Russian Economy 

With the aim of improving the business and investment environment, the Russian government in recent years has taken prudent economic policies and made efforts to advance structural reforms through major projects and the development of vital sectors such as retail trade, agriculture, telecommunications, energy industry, food processing and pharmaceuticals.

In addition, Russia has the fourth largest foreign exchange reserves after China, Japan and Switzerland, and has a relatively low level of foreign debt.

Russia Is The 6th Largest Economy In The World

$ 4,447.48 billions

Purchasing Power Parity, GDP (PPP), 2021

Public Debt

$ 302,218 million

17.02% of GDP, 2021

Inflation Rate


Foreign Direct Investment FDI, Net Inflows

$ 32  billion in 2019

$ 10 billion in 2020,   plummeted by 70% due to the COVID-19 pandemic

Ranking on The International Indicators

FDI Inflows (2021)


Within Top 10 Countries

*Source: UNCTAD

Ease of Doing Business (2019)


Out of 190 Countries

Some Facts About Russia

The 2nd Largest Producer of Sunflower Oil in The World After Ukraine

The world’s 1st in the export of wheat

The 3rd Country in The World in Potato Production After China and India

The 4th Country in The World in Meat Production After China, USA and Brazil

The 1st Country in The World in  Palladium Production 

The 1st Country in The World in Diamond Production

The 1st Country in The World in Terms of Gas Reserves

The 2nd Country in The World in Platinum Production After South Africa

The 2nd Country in The World in Resource of Fresh Water After Brazil

The 2nd Country in The World in Aluminium Production After China 

The 3rd Country in The World in Gold Production After China and Australia 

The 3rd Country in The World in Nickel Production After Indonesia and Philippines