Investment In
Russian Special Economic Zones (RUSSEZs)

Investment In
Russian Special Economic Zones (RUSSEZs)

The Special Economic Zones (SEZs) in Russia are established by the Russian government to attract foreign direct investment. The privileges of special economic zones last for 49 years, and offer their residents a special legal status resulting in a number of tax and customs preferences. Russia has Twenty-eight (28) federal special economic zones (SEZs) and several regional projects. Federal SEZs in Russia are regulated by Federal Federal Law #116 issued on July 22, 2005.

In general, the Special Economic Zones provide foreign and Russian investors with the following advantages:

  • The investor in the special economic zones is exempted from paying customs duties and value added tax on goods imported from abroad;
  •  Low income tax rate ranging between 0% – 13%;
  • The investor is granted a tax exemption for up to 10 to 15 years on the purchase of real estate within the special economic zones;
    The investor is exempted from paying land tax for a period ranging from 5 to 10 years;
  •  Reduce start-up costs by about 30% of the total cost;
  • The special economic zones provide a simplified immigration system for workers within them;
    -The special economic zones are characterized by the ease and speed of the procedures submitted to register investors, through the application of the “One-Stop-Shop” system.

Russian SEZs

Name: SEZ “ Innopolis”

Industry: Technology Innovative Park

Location: Republic of Tatrstan. 

Name: SEZ ” Alabuga” 

Industry: Industrial Production Zone

Location: Republic of Tatrstan.

Name: SEZ ” Lotus”

Industry: Industrial Production Zone

Location: Caspian Sea-Astrakhan. 

Name: SEZ ” Togliartti” 

Industry: Industrial Production Zone

Location: Samaran Region.

Name: SEZ ” Dubna”

Industry:Hi-Tech Scientific Zone

Location: Moscow. 

Name: SEZ ” Technopolis Moscow” 

Industry: Hi-Tech Industries

Location: Moscow.

Name: SEZ ” Istok”

Industry: Technology & Development Zone

Location: Moscow. 

Name: SEZ ” Stupino Quadrat” 

Industry: Industrial & Production

Location: Moscow.

Name: SEZ ” Kaluga”

Industry: Technology & Development Zone

Location: Kaluga Region. 

Name: SEZ ” Uzlovaya” 

Industry: Industrial & Production

Location: Tula Region.

Name: SEZ “Lipetsk”

Industry: Technology & Development Zone

Location:Lipetsk Region. 

Name: SEZ ” Orel” 

Industry: Industrial & Production

Location: Orel Region.

Name: SEZ “Center”

Industry: Technology & Development Zone

Location: Voronezh Region. 

Name: SEZ ” Zavidova” 

Industry: Tourism & Recreational 

Location: Tver Region.

Name: SEZ “Maglina”

Industry: Industrial & Production Zone

Location: Pskov Region. 

Name: SEZ ” Zavidova” 

Industry: Tourism & Recreational 

Location: Tver Region.

Name: SEZ “Titanium Valley”

Industry: Industrial & Production Zone

Location: Altai Region. 

Name: SEZ ” Tomsk” 

Industry: Technology Innovative 

Location: Tomsk Region.

Name: SEZ “Turquaise Katun”

Industry: Tourism & Recreational Zone

Location: Altai Region. 

Name: SEZ ” Gate of Baikal” 

Industry: Tourism & Recreational

Location: Irkotsk Region.

Name: SEZ “Baikal Harbor”

Industry: Tourism & Recreational Zone

Location: Republic of Buryatia. 

Name: SEPZ ” Ulyanovsk” 

Industry: Port Zone

Location: Ulyanovks Region.