Investment Proposal
Investment Proposal


Sector: Oil & Gas
Type of Project: Exploration
Location: Azraq Governorate
Type of Contract: Production Sharing Agreement
Type of Bidding: Direct Negotiations
Sector: Oil & Gas
Type of Project: Exploration
Location: Azraq Governorate
Type of Contract: Production Sharing Agreement
Type of Bidding: Direct Negotiations
Sector: Oil & Gas
Type of Project: Exploration
Location: Azraq Governorate
Type of Contract: Production Sharing Agreement
Type of Bidding: Direct Negotiations
In (WG-2) well has oil stains and bitumen in Wadi Essir Formation and Naur Formation, 1256 km two dimensional seismic surveys lines previously worked on the area. Wadi Essir Formation considered a source potential varies greatly from lean tovery good potential for oil generation, Mudawwara Formation considered a source potential for gas generation in the south of area. The Dubeidib, Kurnub, Ma’in,Shueib and Hummar Formations have been identified as the main reservoir targets.
In (WG-2) well has oil stains and bitumen in Wadi Essir Formation and Naur Formation, 1256 km two dimensional seismic surveys lines previously worked on the area. Wadi Essir Formation considered a source potential varies greatly from lean tovery good potential for oil generation, Mudawwara Formation considered a source potential for gas generation in the south of area. The Dubeidib, Kurnub, Ma’in,Shueib and Hummar Formations have been identified as the main reservoir targets.
In (WG-2) well has oil stains and bitumen in Wadi Essir Formation and Naur Formation, 1256 km two dimensional seismic surveys lines previously worked on the area. Wadi Essir Formation considered a source potential varies greatly from lean tovery good potential for oil generation, Mudawwara Formation considered a source potential for gas generation in the south of area. The Dubeidib, Kurnub, Ma’in,Shueib and Hummar Formations have been identified as the main reservoir targets.
Total Area: 6311 km2
The Numbers of Wells Drilled: 6 Wells
Total Area: 6311 km2
The Numbers of Wells Drilled: 6 Wells
Total Area: 6311 km2
The Numbers of Wells Drilled: 6 Wells

Sector: Oil & Gas
Type of Project: Exploration
Location: Dead Sea
Type of Contract: Production Sharing Agreement
Type of Bidding: Direct Negotiations
Sector: Oil & Gas
Type of Project: Exploration
Location: Dead Sea
Type of Contract: Production Sharing Agreement
Type of Bidding: Direct Negotiations
Sector: Oil & Gas
Type of Project: Exploration
Location: Dead Sea
Type of Contract: Production Sharing Agreement
Type of Bidding: Direct Negotiations
There are numerous shows of oil and gas within the Late Cretaceous and Cambrian sections in 11 of the 20 wells drilled in this area. 800 km 2D seismic surveys lines and 75 km2 3D seismic surveys previously worked on the area. The Ghareb Formation is expected to have reached the required maturity for petroleum generation in the Dead Sea Graben and could act as a charge for the shallow plays.
There are numerous shows of oil and gas within the Late Cretaceous and Cambrian sections in 11 of the 20 wells drilled in this area. 800 km 2D seismic surveys lines and 75 km2 3D seismic surveys previously worked on the area. The Ghareb Formation is expected to have reached the required maturity for petroleum generation in the Dead Sea Graben and could act as a charge for the shallow plays.
There are numerous shows of oil and gas within the Late Cretaceous and Cambrian sections in 11 of the 20 wells drilled in this area. 800 km 2D seismic surveys lines and 75 km2 3D seismic surveys previously worked on the area. The Ghareb Formation is expected to have reached the required maturity for petroleum generation in the Dead Sea Graben and could act as a charge for the shallow plays.
Total Area: 10841 km2
The Numbers of Wells Drilled: 20 Wells
Total Area: 10841 km2
The Numbers of Wells Drilled: 20 Wells
Total Area: 10841 km2
The Numbers of Wells Drilled: 20 Wells

Sector: Oil & Gas
Type of Project: Exploration
Location: Jafr Area
Type of Contract: Production Sharing Agreement
Type of Bidding: Direct Negotiations
Sector: Oil & Gas
Type of Project: Exploration
Location: Jafr Area
Type of Contract: Production Sharing Agreement
Type of Bidding: Direct Negotiations
Sector: Oil & Gas
Type of Project: Exploration
Location: Jafr Area
Type of Contract: Production Sharing Agreement
Type of Bidding: Direct Negotiations
There are seven wells in area, 2118 km 2D seismic surveys lines previously worked on the area. The Mudawwara Formation shows fair to good source rock.
There are seven wells in area, 2118 km 2D seismic surveys lines previously worked on the area. The Mudawwara Formation shows fair to good source rock.
There are seven wells in area, 2118 km 2D seismic surveys lines previously worked on the area. The Mudawwara Formation shows fair to good source rock.
Total Area: 10662 km2
The Numbers of Wells Drilled: 7 Wells
Total Area: 10662 km2
The Numbers of Wells Drilled: 7 Wells
Total Area: 10662 km2
The Numbers of Wells Drilled: 7 Wells

Sector: Oil & Gas
Type of Project: Exploration
Location: North Highland Area
Type of Contract: Production Sharing Agreement
Type of Bidding: Direct Negotiations
Sector: Oil & Gas
Type of Project: Exploration
Location: North Highland Area
Type of Contract: Production Sharing Agreement
Type of Bidding: Direct Negotiations
Sector: Oil & Gas
Type of Project: Exploration
Location: North Highland Area
Type of Contract: Production Sharing Agreement
Type of Bidding: Direct Negotiations
There are seven wells in area, NH-1 and NH-2 have minor oil and gas shows in the Huni and Salib Formations, 1106 km 2D seismic surveys lines previously worked on the area. The Kurnub and Ma’in Formations have been identified as the main reservoir targets in this contract area
There are seven wells in area, NH-1 and NH-2 have minor oil and gas shows in the Huni and Salib Formations, 1106 km 2D seismic surveys lines previously worked on the area. The Kurnub and Ma’in Formations have been identified as the main reservoir targets in this contract area
There are seven wells in area, NH-1 and NH-2 have minor oil and gas shows in the Huni and Salib Formations, 1106 km 2D seismic surveys lines previously worked on the area. The Kurnub and Ma’in Formations have been identified as the main reservoir targets in this contract area
Total Area: 7908 km2
The Numbers of Wells Drilled: 7 Wells
Total Area: 7908 km2
The Numbers of Wells Drilled: 7 Wells
Total Area: 7908 km2
The Numbers of Wells Drilled: 7 Wells

Sector: Oil & Gas
Type of Project: Exploration
Location: Petra Area
Type of Contract: Production Sharing Agreement
Type of Bidding: Direct Negotiations
Sector: Oil & Gas
Type of Project: Exploration
Location: Petra Area
Type of Contract: Production Sharing Agreement
Type of Bidding: Direct Negotiations
Sector: Oil & Gas
Type of Project: Exploration
Location: Petra Area
Type of Contract: Production Sharing Agreement
Type of Bidding: Direct Negotiations
There are three water wells in area, 337 km 2D seismic surveys lines previously worked on the area. The Mudawwara Formation is considered to be the main source rock horizon across southern Jordan and is present over a small area in the east of the contract area.
There are three water wells in area, 337 km 2D seismic surveys lines previously worked on the area. The Mudawwara Formation is considered to be the main source rock horizon across southern Jordan and is present over a small area in the east of the contract area.
There are three water wells in area, 337 km 2D seismic surveys lines previously worked on the area. The Mudawwara Formation is considered to be the main source rock horizon across southern Jordan and is present over a small area in the east of the contract area.
Total Area: 7822 km2
The Numbers of Wells Drilled: 2 Wells
Total Area: 7822 km2
The Numbers of Wells Drilled: 2 Wells
Total Area: 7822 km2
The Numbers of Wells Drilled: 2 Wells

Sector: Oil & Gas
Type of Project: Exploration
Location: Rum Area
Type of Contract: Production Sharing Agreement
Type of Bidding: Direct Negotiations
Sector: Oil & Gas
Type of Project: Exploration
Location: Rum Area
Type of Contract: Production Sharing Agreement
Type of Bidding: Direct Negotiations
Sector: Oil & Gas
Type of Project: Exploration
Location: Rum Area
Type of Contract: Production Sharing Agreement
Type of Bidding: Direct Negotiations
There are five wells in area three of them is water deep wells, 209 km 2D seismic surveys lines previously worked on the area. The Mudawwara Formation is considered to be the main source rock.
There are five wells in area three of them is water deep wells, 209 km 2D seismic surveys lines previously worked on the area. The Mudawwara Formation is considered to be the main source rock.
There are five wells in area three of them is water deep wells, 209 km 2D seismic surveys lines previously worked on the area. The Mudawwara Formation is considered to be the main source rock.
Total Area: 8779 km2
The Numbers of Wells Drilled: 5 Wells
Total Area: 8779 km2
The Numbers of Wells Drilled: 5 Wells
Total Area: 8779 km2
The Numbers of Wells Drilled: 5 Wells

Sector: Oil & Gas
Type of Project: Exploration
Location: Sirhan Area
Type of Contract: Production Sharing Agreement
Type of Bidding: Direct Negotiations
Sector: Oil & Gas
Type of Project: Exploration
Location: Sirhan Area
Type of Contract: Production Sharing Agreement
Type of Bidding: Direct Negotiations
Sector: Oil & Gas
Type of Project: Exploration
Location: Sirhan Area
Type of Contract: Production Sharing Agreement
Type of Bidding: Direct Negotiations
There are three wells in area, 2419 km 2D seismic surveys lines previously worked on the area. The Mudawwara Formation is considered to be the main source rock. The Dubeidib and Kurnub Formations have been identified as the main reservoir targets
There are three wells in area, 2419 km 2D seismic surveys lines previously worked on the area. The Mudawwara Formation is considered to be the main source rock. The Dubeidib and Kurnub Formations have been identified as the main reservoir targets
There are three wells in area, 2419 km 2D seismic surveys lines previously worked on the area. The Mudawwara Formation is considered to be the main source rock. The Dubeidib and Kurnub Formations have been identified as the main reservoir targets
Total Area: 7970 km2
The Numbers of Wells Drilled:3 Wells
Total Area: 7970 km2
The Numbers of Wells Drilled:3 Wells
Total Area: 7970 km2
The Numbers of Wells Drilled:3 Wells

Sector: Oil & Gas
Type of Project: Exploration
Location: Sirhan Development Area
Type of Contract: Production Sharing Agreement
Type of Bidding: Direct Negotiations
Sector: Oil & Gas
Type of Project: Exploration
Location: Sirhan Development Area
Type of Contract: Production Sharing Agreement
Type of Bidding: Direct Negotiations
Sector: Oil & Gas
Type of Project: Exploration
Location: Sirhan Development Area
Type of Contract: Production Sharing Agreement
Type of Bidding: Direct Negotiations
There are nine wells in this area, 327 km 2D seismic surveys lines and 217 km2 3D seismic surveys previously worked on the area. One of which is an oil discovery (WS-4) within the Dubeidib Formation. Three of the wells have oil and gas shows in the Dubeidib Formation and bitumen in the Mudawwara Formation.
There are nine wells in this area, 327 km 2D seismic surveys lines and 217 km2 3D seismic surveys previously worked on the area. One of which is an oil discovery (WS-4) within the Dubeidib Formation. Three of the wells have oil and gas shows in the Dubeidib Formation and bitumen in the Mudawwara Formation.
There are nine wells in this area, 327 km 2D seismic surveys lines and 217 km2 3D seismic surveys previously worked on the area. One of which is an oil discovery (WS-4) within the Dubeidib Formation. Three of the wells have oil and gas shows in the Dubeidib Formation and bitumen in the Mudawwara Formation.
Total Area: 442 km2
The Numbers of Wells Drilled:9 Wells
Total Area: 442 km2
The Numbers of Wells Drilled:9 Wells
Total Area: 442 km2
The Numbers of Wells Drilled:9 Wells

Sector: Oil & Gas
Type of Project: Exploration
Location: West Swfawi Area
Type of Contract: Production Sharing Agreement
Type of Bidding: Direct Negotiations
Sector: Oil & Gas
Type of Project: Exploration
Location: West Swfawi Area
Type of Contract: Production Sharing Agreement
Type of Bidding: Direct Negotiations
Sector: Oil & Gas
Type of Project: Exploration
Location: West Swfawi Area
Type of Contract: Production Sharing Agreement
Type of Bidding: Direct Negotiations
235 km 2D seismic surveys lines previously worked on the area. The Wadi Essir Formation is considered to be the primary source rock.
235 km 2D seismic surveys lines previously worked on the area. The Wadi Essir Formation is considered to be the primary source rock.
235 km 2D seismic surveys lines previously worked on the area. The Wadi Essir Formation is considered to be the primary source rock.
Total Area: 7694 km2
The Numbers of Wells Drilled: 11 Wells
Total Area: 7694 km2
The Numbers of Wells Drilled: 11 Wells
Total Area: 7694 km2
The Numbers of Wells Drilled: 11 Wells

Sector: Minerals
Project: Exploration & Mining of Basalt
Location: Northeast Jordan
Type of Contract: Exploration License &
Mining Rights
Type of Bidding: Direct Negotiations
Sector: Minerals
Project: Exploration & Mining of Basalt
Location: Northeast Jordan
Type of Contract: Exploration License &
Mining Rights
Type of Bidding: Direct Negotiations
Sector: Minerals
Project: Exploration & Mining of Basalt
Location: Northeast Jordan
Type of Contract: Exploration License & Mining Rights
Type of Bidding: Direct Negotiations
Huge reserves of basalt are available in all basalt areas in Jordan The stock of crude in the Telma area has been estimated only at about 310 million tons.
A study of the ore in the Tel area has been conducted for a study of the compatibility of the seedlings in the area to establish specialized industries to exploit crude, such as the manufacture of cabinets, the systems of al -Sabbah, al -Sabbib, and others, and the results were positive and the exploitation of the kingdom in the kingdom was done in and in the rock wool industry for local consumption and export purposes.
Investment opportunities remain open in basalt ore, whether for local consumption or for external export in the manufacture of plumbing molds and in the manufacture of pipes and rods for construction uses and others.
Huge reserves of basalt are available in all basalt areas in Jordan The stock of crude in the Telma area has been estimated only at about 310 million tons.
A study of the ore in the Tel area has been conducted for a study of the compatibility of the seedlings in the area to establish specialized industries to exploit crude, such as the manufacture of cabinets, the systems of al -Sabbah, al -Sabbib, and others, and the results were positive and the exploitation of the kingdom in the kingdom was done in and in the rock wool industry for local consumption and export purposes.
Investment opportunities remain open in basalt ore, whether for local consumption or for external export in the manufacture of plumbing molds and in the manufacture of pipes and rods for construction uses and others.
Huge reserves of basalt are available in all basalt areas in Jordan The stock of crude in the Telma area has been estimated only at about 310 million tons.
A study of the ore in the Tel area has been conducted for a study of the compatibility of the seedlings in the area to establish specialized industries to exploit crude, such as the manufacture of cabinets, the systems of al -Sabbah, al -Sabbib, and others, and the results were positive and the exploitation of the kingdom in the kingdom was done in and in the rock wool industry for local consumption and export purposes.
Investment opportunities remain open in basalt ore, whether for local consumption or for external export in the manufacture of plumbing molds and in the manufacture of pipes and rods for construction uses and others.
Total Area: Cover 11000 km2
Total Area: Cover 11000 km2

Sector: Minerals
Project: Exploration and Mining of
Silica Sand
Location: South of Jordan
Type of Contract: Exploration License &
Mining Rights
Type of Bidding: Direct Negotiations
Sector: Minerals
Project: Exploration and Mining of Silica Sand
Location: South of Jordan
Type of Contract: Exploration License & Mining Rights
Type of Bidding: Direct Negotiations
Sector: Minerals
Project: Exploration and Mining of Silica Sand
Location: South of Jordan
Type of Contract: Exploration License & Mining Rights
Type of Bidding: Direct Negotiations
There are many sandblasts and quarries operating in the Ras Al-Naqab region for raw uses in building materials, ceramics and processed silica for export purposes.
What distinguishes glass sand in Jordan is its low content of impurities and heavy metals, in addition to its proximity to road networks and the export port.
Investing in silica sand in Jordan is an attractive investment opportunity due to its quality, purity, abundant quantities and the feasibility of exploiting it.
There are many sandblasts and quarries operating in the Ras Al-Naqab region for raw uses in building materials, ceramics and processed silica for export purposes.
What distinguishes glass sand in Jordan is its low content of impurities and heavy metals, in addition to its proximity to road networks and the export port.
Investing in silica sand in Jordan is an attractive investment opportunity due to its quality, purity, abundant quantities and the feasibility of exploiting it.
There are many sandblasts and quarries operating in the Ras Al-Naqab region for raw uses in building materials, ceramics and processed silica for export purposes.
What distinguishes glass sand in Jordan is its low content of impurities and heavy metals, in addition to its proximity to road networks and the export port.
Investing in silica sand in Jordan is an attractive investment opportunity due to its quality, purity, abundant quantities and the feasibility of exploiting it.
The reserve:
Ras Al-Naqab: More Than 10000 M Ton.
Al-Disah: More Than 10000 M Ton.
The reserve:
Ras Al-Naqab: More Than 10000 M Ton.
Al-Disah: More Than 10000 M Ton.
The reserve:
Ras Al-Naqab: More Than 10000 M Ton.
Al-Disah: More Than 10000 M Ton.

Sector: Minerals
Project: Exploration and Mining of Copper
Location: Khirbet Al-Nahhas, Feinan and
Abu Khashiba Area
Type of Contract: Special Agreement
Type of Bidding: Direct Negotiations
Sector: Minerals
Project: Exploration and Mining of Copper
Location: Khirbet Al-Nahhas, Feinan and Abu Khashiba Area
Type of Contract: Special Agreement
Type of Bidding: Direct Negotiations
Sector: Minerals
Project: Exploration and Mining of Copper
Location: Khirbet Al-Nahhas, Feinan and Abu Khashiba Area
Type of Contract: Special Agreement
Type of Bidding: Direct Negotiations
The first discovery of copper mineralization in Jordan was in the fifties of the twentieth century in the area of Dana / Wadi Araba. Where there were many mining activities to extract copper, which was inferred through the presence of slag and old mines in the areas of Khirbet Al-Nahas, Wadi Al-Jariya and other areas.
The first discovery of copper mineralization in Jordan was in the fifties of the twentieth century in the area of Dana / Wadi Araba. Where there were many mining activities to extract copper, which was inferred through the presence of slag and old mines in the areas of Khirbet Al-Nahas, Wadi Al-Jariya and other areas.
The first discovery of copper mineralization in Jordan was in the fifties of the twentieth century in the area of Dana / Wadi Araba. Where there were many mining activities to extract copper, which was inferred through the presence of slag and old mines in the areas of Khirbet Al-Nahas, Wadi Al-Jariya and other areas.
The reserve:
Khirbet al-Nahhas: Not specified
Feynan (Wadi Khaled, Dana and Ratia):
8.19 million ton.
Abu Khashiba: 8 million ton.
The reserve:
Khirbet al-Nahhas: Not specified
Feynan (Wadi Khaled, Dana and Ratia): 8.19 million ton.
Abu Khashiba: 8 million ton.
The reserve:
Khirbet al-Nahhas: Not specified
Feynan (Wadi Khaled, Dana and Ratia): 8.19 million ton.
Abu Khashiba: 8 million ton.

Sector: Minerals
Project: Exploration and Mining of Gold
Location: Wadi Abu Khashiba, Al-Hoor and Sabra
Type of Contract: Special Agreement
Type of Bidding: Direct Negotiations
Sector: Minerals
Project: Exploration and Mining of Gold
Location: Wadi Abu Khashiba, Al-Hoor and Sabra
Type of Contract: Special Agreement
Type of Bidding: Direct Negotiations
Sector: Minerals
Project: Exploration and Mining of Gold
Location: Wadi Abu Khashiba, Al-Hoor and Sabra
Type of Contract: Special Agreement
Type of Bidding: Direct Negotiations
Geochemical studies revealed anomalies in gold on the northern edge of the Arabian-Nubian Shield in southern Jordan. Where the best anomaly was in the acid volcanic rocks (Felsic) in the Wadi Abu Khashaiba region, where the gold values reached 40 g/ton in the concentrations of heavy metals collected by the ore.
valleys. Visible gold is observed in the concentration of heavy metals.
Geochemical studies revealed anomalies in gold on the northern edge of the Arabian-Nubian Shield in southern Jordan. Where the best anomaly was in the acid volcanic rocks (Felsic) in the Wadi Abu Khashaiba region, where the gold values reached 40 g/ton in the concentrations of heavy metals collected by the ore.
valleys. Visible gold is observed in the concentration of heavy metals.
Geochemical studies revealed anomalies in gold on the northern edge of the Arabian-Nubian Shield in southern Jordan. Where the best anomaly was in the acid volcanic rocks (Felsic) in the Wadi Abu Khashaiba region, where the gold values reached 40 g/ton in the concentrations of heavy metals collected by the ore.
valleys. Visible gold is observed in the concentration of heavy metals.